Case Studies
Case Study – Ben Mills, Shamrock Station, WA
Name: Ben Mills, Station Manager, Argyle Cattle CompanyStation name: Shamrock Station Location: Kimberly, Western Australia (150km south of Broome)Operation: Cattle Station size: 100,780 hectaresFarmbot technology: 50x Water Level Monitors & 1x Camera Customer challenge – Station with no groundwater Argyle Cattle Company is a privately managed Australian enterprise. Consisting of four properties in Western Australia’s Kimberley region, […]
Case Study – Lynsmere Park
Name: Gavin PowellProperty location: Caloola, NSWOperation: Mixed grazing Gavin’s farm management used to rely on traditional methods; manual water runs, paper record keeping, screenshots of data, excel spreadsheets and ‘gut feel’. Paper records and spreadsheets were often lost, ruined, or not updated, making it difficult to maintain an up-to-date and trusted analysis. For Gavin, who […]
Case Study – Mintor Beef
Name: Andrew KettlewellProperty name: Mintor Beef, Tabletop VICOperation: Angus cattle / Arab horsesProperty size: 4,000 haFarmbot technology: 6 Water Level Monitors and a Rain Gauge A water incident, unknown leaks, plus the continual costs of pumping water to the header tank were contributing factors to costly water management for Mintor Beef manager Andrew Kettlewell. Multiple […]
Case Study – Dover Station
Name: Mitch, Peter and Sonia FlemingProperty name: Dover Station, QldOperation: Mixed Charbray/ Droughtmaster CattleProperty size: 123, 500 acresFarmbot technology: Water Level Monitors, Rain Gauges and Wireless Trough Sensors Mitch, Peter and Sonia Fleming split their time between Dover Station, near Boulia, and their other property, located near Bundaberg, QLD. Following years of prolonged drought, they have […]
Case Study – Brigodoon Cattle
Name: Bill & Gretchen Speed and familyStation name: Brigodoon Cattle Company5 properties across Qld and NTOperation: Beef CattleStation size: 810,000 ha in totalFarmbot technology: 51 Water Level Monitors and 12 Rain Gauges With five properties spanning over two states, the Speed family found themselves spending an significant amount of time and money carrying out water […]
Case Study – Willoh Farm
Name: Derek SchneiderProperty name: Willoh Farm, NSWOperation: Grazing 1500 weaner cattleProperty size: 30,800 acresFarmbot technology: 1 Flow Sensor, 1 Line Pressure Sensor, and 6 Water Level Monitors Managing the most precious resource, water, can be challenging. Labour required for identifying and troubleshooting issues can impact wear and tear on vehicles, increase stress levels and soak […]
Case Study – Isis Downs, Qld
Name: Andrew & Anna Cochrane, Consolidated Pastoral Company (CPC)Station name: Isis Downs Location: South-East Queensland (130km south-east of Longreach)Operation: Beef Cattle Station size: 246,057 hectaresFarmbot technology: 26 Water Level Monitors, 2 Line Pressure Monitors and 7 Rain Gauges Checking and monitoring water was costing Isis Downs approximately $120,000 per annum, plus a full-time staff member. This […]
Case Study – Bannockburn Feedlot
Name: Steve MungeProperty name: Bannockburn Feedlot, Bell QLDOperation: Cross-bred feedlotProperty size: 4,200 acresFarmbot technology: 9 Water Level Monitors,5 Rain Gauge and 2 Line Pressure Sensors With 800 steers to feed and a team of staff, Steve Munge has a lot on his plate. He had been managing the properties water assets with a camera providing […]
Case Study – Shandun
Name: Lindsay BakerProperty name: Shandun, Forbes NSWOperation: Mixed sheep and croppingProperty size: 1,000 haFarmbot technology: Water Level Monitor, Rain Gauge and Line Pressure Sensor With the climate getting hotter and dryer the security of stock and domestic water was becoming more and more essential for Lindsay Baker, on his property South of Forbes in NSW. […]
Case Study – Braqumont Farm
Name: Phil SoullierProperty name: Braqumont Farm, Yandanooka WAOperation: Wheat, canola and sheepProperty size: 3800 haFarmbot technology: 3 Water Level Monitors Braqumont Farm has 40 troughs, and 20 tanks, which have traditionally been manually checked a few times a week. This extensive water run was requiring a lot of time and labour, but provided Phil with […]