We are exceptionally happy with the FarmBot water monitoring system. From having the first trial unit to now, I must congratulate FarmBot on a very fast evolution to a product that we now find essential to our day-to-day operations.
We have come a long way in a short amount of time and your continued personal interaction with what we have now and the ability to configure and tailor each monitor is a feature that proves FarmBot’s monitor to be far superior to any other system I have trialled.
I now have a minimum of six people on any aggregation that are alerted to the fact that we may have an issue with a water system and we have the ability to solve any problem before it has the chance to become a very big problem that will likely take several days to correct.
The ability to look at and collate water usage and available water at the source is an invaluable tool for managing our operations and the FarmBot system has the ability to show this data on any phone or computer screen.
I would recommend this system to any person that has livestock that relies on a water source from a tank that can be monitored. Any potential issue will inevitably happen at midnight rather than midday and we have had a few breakages on a water system that we have been able to fix the very same day without the risk of an animal health issue the next day.
As value for money, FarmBot have developed a system that I would recommend to anyone. The savings that I have made in animal production and wages as well as the added peace of mind knowing what is actually going on in any water system is invaluable.
James Walker General Manager – North Ceres Agricultural Company Pty Ltd
June 7, 2018