Meet Chris Fulton

Born engineer Chris, has been tinkering around with things since his school days. Now Devops Engineer at Farmbot, he gets to play with cutting edge technologies that have real impact for farmers on the ground.

Where were you born and bred?

Chris hails from Sydney

What is your background/ previous experience?

“I have always had hobbies in and around technology, I was often ‘tinkering around’ with things at school”, this ‘hobby’ soon led Chris to study in the tech field, first though Tafe courses then at university where he completed a Bachelor of Computer Science.
From quality assurance to test automation work, and IoT hardware testing, Chris has bucket loads of experience in the technology space. Now working as a Devops Engineer for Farmbot, this experience is being expanded to new fields through exciting new technologies Farmbot is constantly exploring.

What does a ‘day in the life’ look like for you?

Chris says his days are often filled with meetings that discuss everything from “features we want to include, software solutions, discussion on technical details, the deployment of solutions as well as how to best manage and monitor them”. With the final solution being rolled out Farmbot customers across Australia to help them efficiently monitor their water.

What do you love most about working at Farmbot?

When asked what it is Chris loves about working at Farmbot there was no hesitation “It’s absolutely got to be the new technology we get to work on”. With advances in technology evolving at a rapid pace in the agtech sector, Chris relishes in bringing these new ideas to Farmbot and watching them come to life to solve a range of problems.

What excites you about the Australian agtech sector and Farmbot?

Chris credits the “unique set of challenges farmers face daily” and the ability to help overcome these as something that keeps him on his toes and excited about agtech. With the “lack of reception or mobile access common for farmers” Chris enjoys the challenges that come with ensuring the hardware and technology can keep up with and deal with these limitations.

What are you reading/watching/listening to?

After many months of deliberation, Chris has decided “it’s time” and purchased a Virtual Reality (VR) headset. So in his free time you will find Chris moving around and exploring virtual worlds from the comfort of his lounge room. A perfect thing in a time when we cannot go far from our living rooms.

One place you want to visit in your life?

Being a fan of the road trip, Chris says for his next holiday “I don’t have a specific place I’d like to go to but I’d love to go to Europe, rent out a car for a few months and just go with it.- One town to the next and just go with the wind”.

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