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How Farmbot can Enrich your AgriWebb Software

Gain real-time insights and maximise your farm's efficiency with seamless Farmbot and AgriWebb integration.


Why integrate Farmbot with AgriWebb?

Farmbot offers remote monitoring solutions and seamless integration to optimise farm management and boost productivity.


Farmbot let's you know within minutes of critical level changes.

easy installation

 Streamline your data points and  ease your farm management.

Make more informed decisions with a holistic view of all activities.

Customer Testimonial

Real stories from farmers using Farmbot and AgriWebb integration.


“I think Farmbot is brilliant because you can see all the information you need in the plotted graphs and can make a decision from your phone.


I could see that my tank was not filling up from an underground water source which saved me time investigating a leak.


I also use the pump control which helps me manage the pressure in my pipes. Farmbot has saved me lots of time and I find MyFarmbot easy to use, it integrates really well with AgriWebb so I can see all my information.” P. Coe QLD

Interested in adding water monitoring to your operations? Get in touch!
