Upcoming Events
On the road with Farmbot

Where you'll find us in September
AgriShow Moss Vale: NSW - September 1-2
Westech Field Days Barcaldine: QLD - September 5-6
Where you'll find us in October
Elmore Field Days: VIC - October 3-5
Agforce - SIQ/SWQ Innovation in Ag Field Days: QLD - October 4-5
Chatsworth House Natural Capital Field Days: VIC - October 4-5
The Australian Lot Feeders’ Association, SmartBeef 2023: NSW - October 11-12
Digital Agrifood Summit: NSW - October 11-12
Kimberley Pilbara Cattlemen's Association (KPCA) Conference: WA - October 12-13
Strathmore Santa Bull Sale: QLD - October 16
Barcoo Breeders Sale: QLD - October 17
SXSW Sydney: NSW - October 18
Australian National Field Days: NSW - October 20 - 22
NFF Conference: ACT - October 26-27
Where you'll find us in November
Drought Ready Tasmania Forum: TAS - November 1
GNRBA AGM & Field Days: WA - November 2-4
Omeo District Show: VIC - November 18
Catch up on our latest webinar here: